Little Congwong Beach Maternity Shoot - Charms, Mark & Martel


Last month I had the extraordinary please of shooting Charms, Mark and Martel as they bring another member of their family into the world. The shoot took place on little Congwong & Congwong beach after months of rechsceduling due to our crazy summer weather. I was lucky that Charms was a photographer so whilst we waited for the perfect weather we took the opportunity to get ideas for the shoot. Charms picked Congwong Bech for the location and took care of her own styling. This was of course not her first rodeo.

In the lead up to the shoot I visited congwong beach 2 times to familiarise myself with the location and another 4 because it’s an amazing beach. Little congwong in particular was a breathtaking location. I awkwardly discovered it was a nude beach, but after chatting with Charms we decided we’d just wing it and go later on in the day so we wouldn’t make anyone uncomfortable.

Over the course of a month we probably reschuled like 4 times, but we eventually got the shoot we dreamed of. As we pulled up to La Parouse the area was essentially empty and the sky was perfectly overcast. Not quite the sunset we had hoped for, but the lighting was soft and gorgeous. Throughout the shoot we hit a tonne of different spots, starting from the main jetty and making our way down congwong and little congwong on the opposite side.

The best spot by far was Little congwong beach where we were able to pull off lots of creative and daring shots. Not only were they fun to make but they were beautiful too. By this point Martel was getting a little tired so I tried the ole parachute rug approach and my god he loved it. We ended the shoot with some couple pics of Mark and Charms together. Charms’ was always keen to get in the water which I was absolutely pumped for, but I never expected to be able to get Mark in the water too. These guys were committed and it was a vibe.

If they were getting in the water for a shot then god damn so was I. So like the legend I am I held my camera tight in my hand and ran into the ocean, clicking as I went. I got a point where I was so deep the water was up to my waist. This was entertaining to Charms and Mark enough that I didn’t even need to use prompts to get them to laugh.

When we wrapped up the shoot we a laughed about our commitment to get the perfect shot. And little Martel was awarded with a $5 wage for his efforts. Thanks so much to these guys for one of the funnest shoots I’ve had the pleasure of shooting. I’m exciting for you to bring a little girl into your little family.


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